Thursday, October 30, 2008

Who We Are, and What We're Doing

As noted, the purpose here is to say what we really think. Being annonymous can be a liberating experience, and we are hoping to give bloggers a realm in which they can freely speak their minds about whatever topics may be bothering them. I for one, grow increasingly weary of having to censure my true opinions on politics, for example, in the workplace and community in general, just for the sake of keeping the peace and preserving my relationships.

But there are so many topics worthy of discussion beyond politics alone. Nearly every aspect of our lives has been affected by the plague on society otherwise known as "Political Correctness." While the phrase may have been coined with the best of intentions, it has definitely, and without question, been taken to an extreme that can only be considered detrimental to our society. Values and religion are now things to be apologized for, while the lack there of is being celebrated, and heralded as "embracing humanity."

More than anything else, I would like to see actual discussion. This is not a place for me to reign supreme with my opinions, it is a place for people to discover why others think and feel the way they do regarding the many issues facing our society today. I am growing weary of the "I'm right, so you must be stupid" mentality that runs rampant - particularly in political discussions - nearly everywhere you turn.

In contrast to that philosophy, I would like to say that any opinioned well-formed, is an opinion to be respected. There truly are multiple ways to approach the issues of life, and there is no doubt something to be admired in most every philosophy. We just might not always agree with the other side.

But isn't that acceptable? Can't we disagree, yet still be respected?

If you happen to come across this blog, and share any of these sentiments, please leave us a comment. If we think this idea of open discussion, with the option of anonymity appeals to enough people to actually generate a discussion, we'll know this blog is worth our time. On the other hand, if we're the only ones reading this, there is little point. We already know what we think.

We would also like suggestions for possible topics, and may publish posts submitted by others who have something they'd like to say in an anonymous forum. If you're interested in submitting something, feel free to email it to us, and we'll post it without revealing who you are. After all, we won't know you anyway, so what does it matter?

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